Buy KTE900114EQ online in Sri Lanka

Dimensions : L : 21 cm x W : 14 cm x H : 1.5 cm
Category : Telescope - Reflector Telescope
Rs. 108,000.00
1 more available

 KTE 900114U
Optical Design
Newtonian Reflector
Aperture (mm)
114 mm
 36x, 90x, 108x, 270x
Focal Length (mm)
900 mm
Focal Ratio
8 Eyepiece
Two eyepieces
25 mm (Super Plössl, Barrel size - 1.25"),10mm (Super Plössl, Barrel size - 1.25")
Barlow Lens
Achromatic Barlow lens

Red dot laser finder
Mount Type

 German Equatorial Tripod

Adjustable heavy duty tripod Optical Coatings Aluminum Included Accessories Moon filter (ND filter), Orange filter (for planets) and Green filter (for planets), Video tutorial instruction manual and printed instruction manual

1 Year
This is a reflective telescope with an equatorial mount. This telescope is suitable for those who above 15 years and above. Do not use the telescope to observe the sun, eclipse, bright streetlights and lights. 
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